Sharing and Caring Support Groups
When you do not know others who are facing what you are going through you can feel very isolated.
When you are among people who are experiencing similar challenges, there is a unique emotional identification that is different from the type of support that can be given to you from your family and friends.
While not everyone wants or needs support beyond that offered by family and friends, you may find it helpful to turn to others outside your immediate circle.
In a support group, members are equals; this can make people feel much more comfortable opening up about their feelings.
A support group is a safe place for someone who needs to talk about personal issues, experiences, struggles and thoughts.
Talking to others in support groups can help reduce anxiety, improve self-esteem, and help members’ sense of well-being overall.
The benefits of participating in support groups may include:
Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged;
Being able to talk openly and honestly about your feelings;
To enable healthy grieving under the caring guidance of our support persons.
It is a requirement for those wishing to take part in any activities to become a financial member of Solace WA. Your registration is to cover your public liability insurance policy.