- Healing begins with feeling. Inventory all emotions that you feel
- Commit to take action regarding each of these emotions surrounding your guilt and regret.
- Take ownership of each feeling and emotion surrounding your guilt and regret.
- Divide your guilt and regret into categories
- Things I need to be forgiven for
- Things I need to forgive them for
- Things I wish I hadn’t said or done
- Things I wish I could say now, or do
- Take the action of writing a letter, or have a conversation, or a combination of both expressing to them how you feel, and what you would do differently if you had the opportunity.
- Share your guilt and regrets with someone who is safe and will listen without trying to fix or judge your feelings and emotions.
- Commit to repeating this exercise on a regular interval to evaluate how well you are resolving your guilt and regret.
We may feel guilt and regret for what we cannot change in the past…however when we resolve to take away the power guilt has over us, we open up a space for healing and love to grow.
By Alan Pederson & Denise Pederson, USA