Early History
The inaugural meeting of Solace was held in Adelaide, South Australia in November 1983. The founder, Jean Almond OAM supported by Harold Almond and Isabel Harker (all who had been widowed) and Harold E. Jones (Bereavement Educator), formed a Bereavement Support Group.
The aim was to assist those whose partner had died. On-going self help and mutual support was offered to assist the bereaved in their journey through grief. The Solace Support Group and Aims were presented at the Funeral and Bereavement Education Association Conference in October of 1984 in the Barossa Valley.
Solace WA
In November 2015 under the auspices of the national body a re-established Solace Grief Support Group WA was formed. Solace WA is a non profit organisation, incorporated and has been granted charitable status.
Solace WA are here to offer those that have lost their loved one, regardless of how they died or when they died, a place where they can feel that others understand what they are experiencing and going through. Solace helps to develop a better understanding of the grieving process and its associated traumas.
When one’s partner dies, especially if it is a sudden death ‘all normal life’ ceases in an instant and a new way has to be found. Until one experiences such catastrophic happenings, it is impossible to imagine the pain, the emotions and difficulties one will have to face.
Our aim is to facilitate healthy grieving under the caring guidance of our support persons who have all survived the death of their loved ones.
Aims of Solace
- To help normalise the grieving process and reassure our fellow bereaved their feelings are natural;
- To provide a safe non-denominational and non-judgemental environment in which grief can be freely expressed;
- To bring together people who have had a spouse, partner or fiancée die;
- To provide timely and respectful feedback to assist our fellow bereaved people in adapting to their loss;
- To develop and share resources that may validate and inform members of their grief processes;
- To provide regular and ongoing sharing and caring support groups for members;
- To provide organised activities for members.